Wednesday was the last class of 'intermediate' swim lessons for the spring session.
I feel like I did relatively well - enough to try to continue the technique on my own for awhile. Maybe I'll go back to lessons in the fall.
There were six people in the intermediate class.
It seems that all of us, at some level, have a triathlon on our minds.
One girl did a triathlon last weekend in Lake Geneva. The swim was 650m.
I asked her how it went, and she said that after the halfway point, she was just trying to survive/stay above water. She talked about getting kicked and how murky the water was.
Ok, let's get this straight -
I'm thinking about signing up for a race, in which, I would get into deep, murky water with other swimmers. We then swim a far distance, kicking and running in to each other along the way.
Sounds frightening.
Sound like the desciption Jim gave me on his first open water race...he also mentioned that he couldn't see, because of a glare on his googles or the fact that they were tinted...could be both reasons.
There is a triathlon in Schaumburg that they swim in a pool. That might be a better first timer experience.
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