Thursday, August 14, 2014

One Decision

Oh, decisions. We make them every day.

Most are not memorable. But some have a lasting effect on your life. 

Last night I got to thinking about one decision I made in 2008. 

That one decision was the first step in a journey of millions of steps down a new path. 

That decision was to join CARA's marathon training program. 

Deciding to register for a marathon is a decision very few make, To train for a marathon is a monumental decision that prepares you to stand at the start line on race day. 

Looking back, I supose I could have trained on my own. Maybe I would have succeeded. But in the end, even after my achievement, I wouldn't have something - a whole new group of friends. 

I was 27 that summer. I had friends from childhood, family, grade school, high school and college.  If someone were to ask me that summer if I planned on becomng close with my training group, I likely would have said no. Maybe I would small talk with a person or two, like some of my recent grad school courses. But to meet people who would become my good friends? I didn't see it then. 

But maybe that's why it's so special now. 

Fast forward six years later. 

That summer, I made some great friendships. And the next summer, I made a few more. 

These friends aren't just people I run with. 

We brunch. We meet up for drinks. We barbeque. We talk about running (when we aren't running, of course). We make dinner and Netflix dates. We talk each other into running desitination races. We then travel with each other to said race destination. We console each other when one of us goes through a break up. We celebrate another's engagement. We are regulars at each other's birthday parties. We attend each other's weddings.

True friends. 

One decision paved the way. 

Pretty incredible, isn't it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your experience! Though I didn't choose to aim for a marathon right away, I did made that One Decision myself this year, to start training as a runner and participating in the running community in Chicago. Every week I make a new connection in the community, and I'm building a great foundation for many happy years! I suppose you'll have to be my next connection ;)